Gardening and Life Insurance

I'm sure you read that title and thought, "WHAT does gardening have to do with Life Insurance?" Stay with me and I'll explain. As I was gardening one day, I started thinking about just how beneficial gardening is to our health - physically, mentally and spiritually! Planting a garden involves a lot of exercise. It could involve roto-tilling the land, lifting and distributing soil, and weeding. Gardening can be quite a workout! Gardening is great for our mental state as well. While tending to plants, the mind often wanders. It might be a private moment with God, or a time to think and make plans. Perhaps it's just a short respite from the chaos of family life. Whatever the reason, gardening eases the mind, thus reducing stress and anxiety. Then there's the bounty! Fresh, nutritional fruits and vegetables! Fresh, not days or even weeks old as a result of being shipped from another state or even another country! The savings are enormous. I did plant a garden ...