Saving the Earth, the Bees and on your grocery bill!
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With the outrageous inflation we are seeing, as well as supply chain issues and food shortages, NOW might be the time to start thinking of going back to the days of self-sustainability.
The word self-sustainability can mean a lot of different things, from growing your own food to going off grid. Each have their own subcategories and could take a lifetime to cover.
For today I will be talking about composting and growing food and flowers.
In order to have a nice harvest, there are certain conditions which must be met - ample sunshine, water, and healthy soil. This is where composting comes in.
What is compost?
Compost is simply a mixture of recycled organic materials used to fertilize and improve the existing soil. This material reduces the need for commercial fertilizers and eventually eradicates the need to purchase dirt from other sources. By composting, you are essentially making your own soil that is ideal to grow anything.
I recently heard about a gardening method called, "The Back to Eden Gardening System." The system is ideal for enriching your soil the way God intended...the natural way. You can see the documentary here. Back to Eden Gardening System
When you compost and garden, you are saving the Earth by enriching the soil. With great soil, you have great plants. You are saving the bees by providing pollen for them through the produce and flowers you grow. Finally, you are saving on your grocery bill. Eating your own homegrown organic produce leads to a better, healthier you and might even cut down on visits to the doctors.
Composting and good nutrition are part of my lifestyle. I juice fruits and vegetables several times a week. Check out all this goodness ready to go into the juicer! Included are all kinds of greens such as broccoli, spinach, arugula, kale and celery. I included carrots and apples. I vary it every time I juice, depending on what is available in my outdoor garden, the Tower Garden or from the store.
The scraps go in my compost barrel (for large items like ears of corns) and the pile for smaller items like this pulp, coffee grounds and anything else I can cut up in small pieces.
I often add in some half-deteriorated leaves and pine needles from the wooded edge of the river behind my house. I will include a bit of the rich soil from under the leaves. I will then go to my mothers and get some broken down pinecone that is several feet thick under her pine trees. I put it in buckets and add it to the pile!
I place this compost on the ground under my plants weekly. Since using the Back to Eden System, I have not used any commercial dirt. Just set a plant on the ground (even on grass) and surround it with compost. My vegetables and flowers have been blooming like crazy the last couple of weeks, even though the growing season is coming to an end shortly. Before fall, I will get some woodchips and use these as well. They are NOT to be mixed into the compost, rather put on top of the compost placed under the plants. After a period of time layering compost and woodchips every couple of weeks, there will be little need to water your garden! The process is explained in the Back to Eden documentary,
For the winter months, I have my Tower Garden, which can be used outdoors OR indoors, with the aid of the grow light! I can't wait to experiment around with the Tower this winter, as I plan my garden for next year.
Big gardening plans to come...
How are you holding up in today's economy? What measures are you taking to save money while still feeding your family? Comment below!
If you are interested in self sustainability, let's talk!
If you are interested in the Tower Gardening System, check out my website
If you don't have Life Insurance, it is important to get it today!
Contact me to set up a free consultation to go over your options.
Carolee Hollenback
(315) 200-4326
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